If you require any financial assistance for your business following a disaster, below is a list of services available to you.
Telephone: 13 77 88
Website: service.nsw.gov.au; service.nsw.gov.au/campaign/bushfire-customer-care-service
This organisation provides information about services, financial assistance, contacts and referrals.
Telephone: 1800 678 593
Email: rural.assist@raa.nsw.gov.au
Website: raa.nsw.gov.au/disaster-assistance
This organisation provides financial assistance grants, loans form primary producers, rural small businesses.
Telephone: 1800 319 458 or 1300 771 741
Email: rebecca@rfcsnsw.com.au
Website: rfcsnsw.com.au
This organisation provides loans, grants, mentoring, counselling, mental health to primary producers and small businesses.
Telephone: 02 4868 0888
Email: mail@wsc.nsw.gov.au
Website: wsc.nsw.gov.au/Council/Contact-Us
This organisation provides the following services: coordinate recovery efforts and initiatives, engage with communities to ascertain and prioritise needs and deliver recovery programs.
Telephone: 02 8624 8600
Email: ffasouthernhighlands@anglicare.org.au
Website: anglicare.org.au
This organisation provides welfare support.
Telephone: 13181
Website: vinnies.org.au
This organisation provides welfare support and financial assistance.
Wingello Village Association
Email: secretary.wva@gmail.com
This organisation provides community engagement and emergency support.
Highlands Community Centre
Telephone: 02 4862 1122
Email: info@highlandscommunity.org.au
Website: highlandscommunity.org.au
This organisation provides no interest loans and youth programs.