Blueprint for Resilience Those of us impacted by fires and other disasters across the region acknowledge the need to do things differently in response to climate change.
Community Resilience Small Grants Program View information on the Community Resilience Small Grants Program.
Closing Facilities Due to Bushfire Risk During elevated fire danger weather, Council facilities may be closed in accordance with Council’s Closure of Public Facilities due to Bushfire Risk Procedure. Find out more here.
Learn and Prepare with Captain Kolo Join Captain Kolo for fun activities, videos, and colouring pages that teach kids how to stay ready and resilient during disasters! Get ready, set, prepared with Captain Kolo
Photo Voice: Renewal and Resilience Photography Exhibition This incredible photo essay captures the resiliency and renewal of the Southern Highlands post-fires. All proceeds will go to impacted families.
Response Recovery and Resilience Expo Council, in collaboration with Wollondilly Council, Resilience NSW and National Recovery and Resilience Agency, held a Response, Recovery and Resilience Expo across 3 days. Find out more.
Local Disaster Agencies The Wingecarribee Local Disaster Agencies mapping serves as a guide for agencies and communities involved in recovery. It details the range and types of assistance, and the providers of each, to support community recovery.