EACH Connect
Connect is a Care Finder Service
We cover Camden, Wollondilly, Wingecarribee (we have local staff working in each area).
Connect helps older adults who need intense support to access aged care and other supports.
To receive Connect support, a person should:
• be eligible for My Aged Care Services,
• have no carer or support person who can help them, or
• have no carer or person they feel comfortable with to help them.
Connect staff can help with:
• providing information about what aged care services are available
• setting up a review
• finding and choosing aged care services
• changing aged care services
• talking to My Aged Care on your behalf and making an appointment to talk about your needs
• attending an appointment to provide help
• completing aged care paperwork
• checking-in once services are up and running.
This is a free, face to face service.
Our team works from home, in community locations and visits people at their homes. We also have an office in Campbelltown.