Children's Services


Wingecarribee Children’s Services strives to provide education and care that values and recognises the uniqueness of all involved; children, parents, educators, staff and the community.

We believe it takes a community to raise a child and the shared vision to provide an environment which is rich with opportunities for children to grow and develop to their individual potential.

Children's Services Philosophy(PDF, 554KB) 

Wingecarribee Out of School Hours Care (WOOSH)

Council established it’s Out of School Hours Care program in 1994, run from Mittagong Public School in Mittagong. The Service has a long standing positive reputation in the local community providing care for children enrolled in primary school (Kindergarten - Year 6) outside of school hours - before and after school and during school holiday periods.

Out of School of Hours programs are run from the school hall with access to a large outdoor undercover environment and the oval. The Service is governed by the National Quality Framework Law and regulation and programs redeveloped in accordance with the School age Curriculum Framework - My Time Our Place.

Before and After School Care

The Service operates 6:30 am to 8:30 am (before school) and 3 pm to 6 pm (after school). 

Care is provided in an informal setting with children able to participate in a variety of art, craft and sporting activities. Breakfast and afternoon tea is provided. 

The Commonwealth Government's Child Care Subsidy (CCS) assists families with the cost of child care and applies to eligible families (contact Centrelink for information on eligibility).

Contact Details

Telephone: 0428359473


Wingecarribee OOSH enquiry form


If you would like to enrol your child for any of our services, please use the following link. You will then be contacted to confirm enrolment.

Enrol your child

WOOSH Vacation Care

The service operates 8:00 am to 6:00 pm daily during school holiday periods (excludes public holidays and pupil free days).

Children who attend other schools in the district are welcome to attend.

Care is provided in an informal setting and the program is developed to allow opportunities for a variety of experiences including art, craft and sporting activities as well as outings and incursions (outside services booked to attend and offer various educational and fun programs).

Vacation care programs are developed in advance and activities vary for each holiday program. The latest program is made available when bookings open and can be viewed below.

The Commonwealth Government's Child Care Subsidy (CCS) assists families with the cost of child care and applies to eligible families (contact Centrelink for information on eligibility).

Enrolments and bookings can be arranged through the Coordination Unit. Bookings open 4 weeks prior to each vacation care period. New families wishing to access the service are encouraged to contact the coordination unit earlier to complete the initial enrolment paperwork as this can be a lengthy process and needs to be completed before we can take your booking.


Mittagong Public School Hall,  (Bessemer St Entrance), Mittagong 

Policies, Guidelines and Procedures

As a requirement of the Children (Education and Care Services National Law Application) Act 2010 and Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011 Children’s Services are required to have a range of policies and procedures which guide the operation, management and day to day practices of the service.

Our policies, guidelines and procedures are developed to incorporate the legislative laws and regulations and using “best practice models” in line with industry standards and community expectations.

These documents are available at the following location:

  • Wingecarribee Out of School Hours Service, Mittagong Public School Hall weekdays during school term time before school from 6:30 am to 8:30 am and afterschool from 3:00 pm to 6:00 pm and most vacation care periods.

Operational Procedures

Children's Service Procedures Acceptance or Refusal of Authorisations(PDF, 318KB)

Children's Service Procedures - AO Out of School Hour Fees(PDF, 465KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Arrival and Departure of Children(PDF, 441KB)

Children's Service Procedures - BO Behaviour Guidance Out of School Hours(PDF, 409KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Confidentiality Management of Records(PDF, 298KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Determining Responsible Person(PDF, 498KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Development Review of Service Philosophy Policy and Procedures(PDF, 402KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Educational Program Practice(PDF, 922KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Educator Assistance Recruitment Engagement FDC(PDF, 368KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Engagement and Registration of Family Day Care Educators(PDF, 327KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Enrolment Child Placement and Orientation(PDF, 354KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Ethical Conduct(PDF, 293KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Family Day Care Educators Non-Compliance and De-Registration Procedure(PDF, 294KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Family Day Care Fees(PDF, 539KB)

Children's Service Procedures - GF Relief Educator Procedure(PDF, 602KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Grievance Compliant's Feedback(PDF, 561KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Inclusive Practice(PDF, 643KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Interactions with Children(PDF, 355KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Monitor Support Supervision and Training of Family Day Care Educators(PDF, 282KB)

Children's Service Procedures - Ongoing Educator Requirements(PDF, 320KB)

Children's Service Procedures Visitor Volunteer and Students(PDF, 283KB)

Handbooks, Information, Fees and Application Forms


Best Practice Information used in the development of Service Policy and Procedure:

National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Staying Healthy - Preventing infectious diseases in early childhood education and care services 5th Edition. 2012 Australian Government.

Staying Healthy - Preventing Infectious Diseases in Early Childhood Education and Care Services

NSW Department of Health - Eat Smart Play Smart.
Documents Under Review

Wingecarribee Shire Council's Children's Services seeks constructive comments and feedback from interested community members, staff, educators and families on our Service Philosophy, Policy and Procedures which are under review or development. 

Participate Wingecarribee


Vaccinations protect your child from many dangerous diseases such as whooping cough, measles, mumps, rubella, polio, diphtheria and meningococcal (ACWY). Immunisation is also important for children starting school. Schools now require a certificate showing each child's immunisation status before enrolment.

Where To Vaccinate Your Child?

Childhood immunisation services are available through your General Practitioner or Medical Centre. General Practitioners may bulk bill for vaccinations for children under the age of sixteen, you can contact your General Practitioner or Medical Centre for further details.

Please refer to your child’s blue book or history statement (can be obtained from Medicare) for advice on when your child is due for their vaccinations.

NSW Immunisation Schedule

The following changes came into effect on 1 July 2018.

Pneumococcal (Prevenar 13)

The third dose of pneumococcal vaccine (previously provided at 6 months) will now be given at 12 months of age. The first and second doses of pneumococcal vaccine will continue to be given at 6 weeks and 4 months (two dose primary course) followed by a booster dose at 12 months of age. Children with medical conditions associated with an increased risk of invasive pneumococcal disease (IPD) will still receive an additional dose of Prevenar 13 at 6 month of age; that is, they will continue to have a three dose primary course followed by a booster at 12 months of age

Meningococcal ACWY (Nimenrix)

Previously children received a combined meningococcal C-Hib vaccine (Menitorix) at 12 months. From 1 July 2018 children will receive a new meningococcal vaccine (Nimenrix) at 12 months of age that protects against 4 serogroups including A, C, W and Y.

Haemophilus influenzae type b (Act-HIB)

Children will now receive their fourth dose of Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine as a monovalent vaccine (Act-HIB) at 18 months of age (no longer combined with meningococcal C at 12 months). They will continue to receive their Hib primary schedule doses at 6 weeks, 4 months and 6 months (Infanrix Hexa).

Pertussis (Boostrix or Adacel)

Pertussis (whooping cough) vaccine has previously been provided free of charge on the NSW Immunisation Schedule to all pregnant women in their third trimester. From 1 July 2018 this vaccine will continue to be provided for pregnant women in their third trimester but will be funded by the National Immunisation Program (NIP).

NSW Immunisation Schedule

Questions about Vaccination

School Based Program

If you or your child requires information about vaccinations provided by the School Based Program please contact the local Public Health Unit on 1300 066 055.

School Based Program


For further details on immunisation please visit the National Immunisation Information Line or call 1800 671 811.

National Immunisation Information Line