Community Research

Wingecarribee Shire Council examines community attitudes and perceptions towards current and future services and facilities provided by Council.

Key objectives of the research include:

  • Assess and establish the community's priorities and satisfaction in relation to Council activities, services and facilities
  • Identify the community's overall level of satisfaction with Council's performance
  • To identify the community's level of satisfaction with regards to contact they have had with Council staff
  • To identify trends and benchmark results against the research conducted previously 
Community Satisfaction Survey

We undertake a Customer Satisifaction Surveys every 2 years. The most recent community satisfaction surveytook place in June 2024.

The survey was run by Micromex Consulting over a 2 week period from 20 June 2024. It is a randomised representative telephone survey of just over 400 residents.

Once completed the results from the survey will reported to Council and made available on this website. 

What to can I expect?

Look out for a call from this number 02 9127 2353.

The interviewers want to hear your views and opinions.

Who are Micromex?

Micromex Research are a market and community research provider based on the Central Coast of NSW.

I'd like to learn more

More information can be found by calling 02 4352 2388 or visit 

When will we find out the results of the Customer Satisaction Survey?

Results will be reported to Council and available here our website, previous survey are available on this page. You'll find links to them at the bottom of this page.


Previous Survey Results

Presentation Wingecarribee Community Research 15 February 2023(PDF, 3MB)

Community Research Report 2022(PDF, 3MB)

Presentation Wingecarribee Community Research 20 May 2021(PPTX, 3MB) 

Community Research Report 2021(PDF, 3MB)

Community Satisfaction Report 2019(PDF, 2MB)

Community Satisfaction Report 2017(PDF, 1MB)

Community Satisfaction Report 2015(PDF, 1MB)

Community Satisfaction Report 2012(PDF, 3MB)

Community Satisfaction Report 2010(PDF, 2MB)