Learner Driver Workshops
Council's Road Safety Officer will coordinate eight free workshops during 2025 designed to assist L plate drivers to become safer drivers including hands-on driving events with their driving supervisors.
Four Helping Learner Drivers Become Safer Drivers workshops and four Log Book Runs are being offered to provide L plate drivers the opportunity to gain experience on the road and learn about road rules and enforcement.
Helping Learner Drivers Become Safer Drivers workshops
Click below links below to register for one of the workshops.
Event page
Four two-hour workshops are being offered during 2025 for parents or guardians who supervise Learner drivers. These workshops will be facilitated by Council’s Road Safety Officer with support from Transport for NSW.
The Helping Learner Drivers Become Safer Drivers workshops provide practical advice about the role of supervising a L plate driver and are open to parents, guardians, or other supervisors of Learner drivers as well as the Learner drivers they supervise.
These workshops will provide participants knowledge about the Learner and Provisional driver process, or Graduated Licencing System (GLS), and provide practical advice on Learner driver supervision, completing the Log Book, and current licence conditions, including updates on rules that have changed in recent years.
The workshops focus on the importance of the ‘stepped approach,’ which is to allow Learner drivers to gain their initial driving experience in lower risk conditions before gradually presenting more complex situations. They provide an open environment to discuss road rules and road safety and reinforce the importance of the role of the supervising driver.
These workshops are conducted at the Civic Centre theatrette at Moss Vale. Enjoy a free morning tea, learn what’s new, and get tips to improve your Learner driver experience.
Free Log Book Run workshops for Learner drivers
Click below links below to register for one of the workshops.
Event page
Four Log Book Run workshops for Learner drivers and their supervisors are being facilitated in 2025 by Council’s Road Safety Officer with the support of Transport for New South Wales.
The Log Book Run workshop provides an opportunity for Learner drivers and their supervisors to cover topics included in the Learner Driver Log Book, gain driving experience and log book hours, and ask local police questions about road safety rules, enforcement, and local road conditions.
Following a short workshop and briefing at the Civic Centre theatrette at Moss Vale with Council’s Road Safety Officer and Local Highway Patrol officers, Learner drivers and their supervisors will drive a planned route throughout the Wingecarribee Shire.
The drive takes you from Moss Vale to Robertson and Fitzroy Falls before returning to Moss Vale for lunch and a debrief. Local police will offer participants an opportunity to ask questions in an informal environment.
While driving the Log Book Run you will experience a Random Breath Test (RBT) and negotiate a range of different driving conditions in Wingecarribee Shire.
All Log Book Run workshops commence at Council’s Moss Vale theatrette at 10 am and conclude around 1 pm. Learner drivers require a minimum of 20 hours driving experience before undertaking the Log Book Run.