A child-resistant barrier is required by the Swimming Pool Act 1992 to separate any residential type building from the swimming pool at all times. A detached or attached garage, laundry, shed, BBQ area, clothes line or any structure not primarily associated to the pool is included under the legislation definition of a residential building and is required to be separated from the swimming pool. Residential buildings, as defined by the legislation, are not to be located inside the swimming pool barrier.
The purpose of separating the swimming pool from residential buildings is:
- To ensure that the pool enclosure is solely used in relation to the pool use and not for any other purpose. This results in the frequency of entering and leaving the enclosed pool area being restricted to the actual use of the pool and not with other uses.
- To have available areas, outside the pool area, for residential purpose and other outdoor recreation.
What is Allowed?
Wingecarribee Shire Council has taken a position that allows certain structures within the pool area, provided the structure is ancillary to the pool and primarily used in connection with the pool.
The following structures are allowed in the enclosed pool area:
- A shed ancillary to the swimming pool with the primary purpose of containing pool filter equipment or storing equipment that is used in connection with the swimming pool.
- A free standing pergola or similar open shade structure, primarily associated to the use of the pool and not the residential building.
- Similar structures that have a combined use for shade, housing filtration equipment, storage of pool equipment, chemicals, pool furniture and the like, used in connection with the swimming pool. Critically, the size of such structures within the pool enclosure is to be in keeping with the size of the pool and not be for any other use.
What is Not Allowed?
The following structures are not allowed in the enclosed pool area and are to be located and accessed outside the swimming pool enclosure:
- Any residential building,
- Any WC, shower room, change room, laundry or clothes line,
- Any structure with cooking and food storage facilities,
- Enclosed gazebos, cabanas and pool houses,
- Sheds and garages not associated with the swimming pool.