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Solid Fuel Home Heaters are also known as ‘Slow Combustion Heaters/Cookers’, ‘Pot Belly Stoves’, ‘Wood Fire Heaters’ or ‘Tile Fires’.
Yes, approval is required from Council for the installation of a wood or oil fuelled heater.
Under Section 68 of the Local Government Act, 1993 wood heaters must be installed in accordance with the Australian Building Code and Australian Standard AS/NZS 2918 to ensure the safety of the house, its occupants and the environment.
To apply for approval More information on a Section 68 can be found here.
If you already have a wood fire heater, please take care to ensure you are not generating an excessive amount of smoke that could be negatively affecting your neighbours. The use of these heaters can create health problems particularly for people suffering from asthma, young children and older people.
When operating your wood heater, please minimise the likelihood of excessive smoke generation by:
Prevention Notices and fines can be issued under the Protection of the Environment Operations Act, 1997 if the heater is being used in an environmentally unsatisfactory manner.
Enviromental Protection Agency
Section 68 - Local Government Approval
Reducing Wood Smoke During Winter
Online lodgement of Section 68 Applications via the NSW Planning Portal is now mandatory.
Please use the link below to lodge your applications: