Application to Operate a System of Sewage Management

This form is required to apply for an Approval to Operate an existing System of Sewage Management (C6) under Section 68 of the Local Government Act 1993. The form includes details regarding  the existing system of on-site sewage management & servicing details along with information on how to complete a site plan that depicts the location of the system.

Submission Requirements

You can find information about lodging Section 68 on the NSW Planning Portal here.

Please proceed to the NSW Planning Portal to submit your application.

NSW Planning Portal

Once submitted, Council will check for completeness and provide a fee quote.

After payment, the application will proceed to lodgement.

Additional Documents Required
  • Site Plan

A site plan is to be provided that depicts the location of the existing on-site sewage system including septic tank/treatment tank and effluent disposal/absorption areas, with distance to property boundaries and buildings. 

Below is an example of a site plan.

C6 annexure site plan

  • Owners Consent Authorisation

A copy of an owners consent authorisation form can be found here: Owners Consent Authorisation

Service Details

If your system requires quarterly servicing (Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems only), you must attach a copy of the last service report from your service agent contractor. 

Further Information

Further information in regards to the type of information required to be submitted with your application can be obtained by contacting Environmental Health Officer (OSSM).

Also refer to 

On-Site Sewage Management