Consent for Works and Structures in or on a Public Road (Section 138)

Apply for approval for works and structures in/on a road reserve, including temporary road closures, driveways and laybacks, under Section 138 of the Roads Act 1993.  

Submission Requirements

Dependent on the works, as part of your application you may be required to submit the following: 

Minor Works Approval (e.g. Driveway construction work)

A Works Site Plan(PDF, 81KB) must be submitted to include the required level of detail as shown . The site plan, while preferred being drawn to scale, can be hand drawn provided it is clear and includes the required detailed information 

Other Works Approval – Road Construction Works

Detailed road design plans are to be submitted to Council with this application for road construction works approval. The plans are to be prepared by a Professional Engineer and shall include an erosion and sediment control plan, drainage plan, pavement design and geometric road design – including longitudinal section and cross-sections of the road. Plans shall be prepared in accordance with Council's Engineering Specifications and Standard Drawings.

Any application for water/sewer/stormwater related works shall be accompanied by a Section 68 Application which will require the submission of detailed design plans as a minimum requirement.

All road design plans submitted with this application must show all existing trees and vegetation. Road design and construction is to ensure the preservation of as many existing trees as possible. 

Assistance with Lodging

For assistance with lodging your application on the NSW Planning Portal, please refer to the following resources:

NSW Planning Portal Applicant Resources

Guide to Submitting an Application under Section 138 Roads Act 1993(PDF, 938KB)

Planning Portal

Online lodgement of Consent For Works and Structures in or on a Public Road (Section 138)  via the NSW Planning Portal is now mandatory.

Please use the link below to lodge your applications:

Lodge through NSW Planning Portal