The objective of the Planning Proposal is to amend the provisions of Schedule 2 (exempt development) of the Wingecarribee Local Environmental Plan 2010 to enable public events on bush fire prone land as exempt development. Proposal is on public exhibition from Monday 2 September to Friday 11 October, 2024.
To achieve the intended outcomes of the Planning Proposal, the following amendments to the WLEP 2010 instrument will be required:
- Insert a new subclause (b) requiring a bush fire risk assessment and evacuation plan, and;
- Amend the subclause (c) to replace must not be located on bush fire prone land with must not involve overnight accommodation.
Further details are available on the Participate Wingecarribee website at
The Planning Proposal may be viewed, and a submission made on:
Submissions can also be:
- Emailed to with the email subject title PP-2023-1360.
- Hand delivered to Council’s Civic Centre at 68 Elizabeth Street Moss Vale, NSW 2577
- Posted to Wingecarribee Shire Council, PO Box 141, Moss Vale NSW 2577
Only written submissions can be considered and should quote the reference PP-2023-1360.
Submissions must be received by 4:30pm on Wednesday, 11 October 2024.
Enquiries should be directed to the Coordinator Strategic Policy via email to or by telephone to 0248680888.