Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel



The Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel consists of a panel of three independent experts and one independent community member that determines certain types of development applications and provides advice and recommendations on planning proposals.

Types of applications considered by WLPP are outlined in the Local Planning Panels Direction (dated 6 September 2023) – Development Applications and Applications to Modify Consents. Wingecarribee Shire Council falls under Schedule 1 and the document can be viewed below:

Statutory rules for local planning panels | Planning (

The Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel also provides advice on certain Strategic Planning matters. 

Meetings will be livestreamed from the Council website.

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Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel Minutes and Agendas

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About the Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel

 On Wednesday the 26 March 2021 a resolution for the establishment of the Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel was passed by Council.


1. THAT a Local Planning Panel (LPP) be established for Wingecarribee Shire Council in accordance with Part 2, Division 2.5, Section 2.17 of the  Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 to consider:

     a) All development applications ordinarily referred to Council for a decision and applications and matters 
      required to be reported to a LPP as prescribed in the Local Planning Panel Direction - Development Applications       and Applications to Modify Development Consents in attachment 1.

     b) All Planning Proposals and make recommendations to the Council with regard to the merits.

2. THAT the Operation of the Wingecarribee Shire Council LPP be in accordance with the Local Planning Panels Direction - Operational Procedures as approved by the Minister for Planning and Public Open Spaces.

3. THAT the Acting General Manager, in consultation with the Interim Administrator, determine the membership of the Wingecarribee Shire Council LPP

4. THAT the Acting General Manager notify the Department of Planning Industry and Environment of the Council decision to establish a LPP for Wingecarribee Shire Council and the nominated Chair and Alternate Chair as required.

5. THAT until a Local Planning Panel is formally established by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces, an Interim Advisory Planning Assessment Panel consisting of the following members be appointed to determine development applications and make recommendations on all Planning Proposals and other planning matters as set out in Schedule 1 of Attachment 1 to this report.

Chairs/ Alternate Chairs (A)
Expert Panel Members
Community Members
Julie Walsh Scott Barwick Richard Colley
Michael Mantei (A) Larissa Ozog Robert Stass
Stephen Leathley (A) Alf Lester Chris McCann
Linda Kelly Bill Davison
Heather Warton Dennis McManus
Anthony Neill
6. THAT delegation be given to the Interim Advisory Planning Assessment Panel in accordance with Section 377 of the Local Government Act 1993 to exercise the function of determining development applications under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 which are reported to the Panel for determination. 

7.THAT remuneration of the Interim Advisory Planning Assessment Panel Members be in accordance with the current Remuneration Determination for LPPs as prescribed by the Minister for Planning under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act, 1979.

Terms of Reference

Local Planning Panels (LPP), formerly known as Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels or IHAPS, are panels of independent experts that determine development applications on behalf of Council and provide advice on other planning matters, including planning proposals.

Under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Local Planning Panels are currently mandatory for all Sydney councils, Wollongong City Council and Central Coast Council. Other NSW Regional and Rural Councils such as Wingecarribee Shire Council are not mandated through legislation to have a LPP in place. Notwithstanding, Councils which are not mandated may seek to constitute a Local Planning Panel its Local Government Area under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.

Panels are put in place so the process of assessment and determination of development applications (DAs) with a high corruption risk, sensitivity or strategic importance is transparent and accountable and to provide an independent forum for stakeholders (applicants, the community and objectors) to present and discuss issues relating to development applications, planning proposals and other planning related matters such as development control plans.

It is noted that Wingecarribee Shire Council is already a member of a Regional Planning Panel, Southern Regional Planning Panel (SRPP). Local Planning Panels have similar operational requirements. Development Applications reported to the SRPP are however defined by their regional significance of a value of $30M and over for private developments and $5M for Government or Council developments. 

The Operation of Local Planning Panels

The LPPs ensure increased probity and accountability in the planning system, safeguard against corruption and lead to better planning outcomes. LPPs make decisions on sensitive, complex and high-value DAs that come before councils thereby replacing the Council in determining developments that exceed the staff delegation, review planning proposals and other planning related policies. Council staff, under delegation, will still determine the more straight forward DAs being the vast majority of DAs received by Council.

The Panel meetings consist of 4 members comprising a chair appointed by the Minister, two independent experts appointed by council from a Minister endorsed pool of independent, qualified people, plus a community representative. Panel chairs are required to have expertise in law or government and public administration and are selected from the endorsed list approved by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces. The Minister approves the appointment of the Chair and Alternate Chair. Independent expert members are required to have expertise in one or more of the following fields: planning, architecture, heritage, the environment, urban design, economics, traffic and transport, law, engineering, tourism, or government and public administration. Like Panel Chairs, independent expert members are also selected from the listing endorsed by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces. Community representatives appointed to a LPP are not required to have planning expertise. The role of the community representative is to ensure that local insights and knowledge are considered as part of the panel’s decision-making. 

Councillors, property developers and real estate agents are ineligible to be panel members as this undermines the objective of having DAs determined by independent experts, depoliticising the assessment process. 

The referral criteria for development applications, planning proposals and other planning related matters has been set by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces. The categories of development referred to the LPP is set out in the Local Planning Panels Direction – Development Applications and Applications to Modify Development Consents made by the Minister for Planning and Public Spaces and included as Attachment 1 to this report. In effect, the LPP makes the determination of the application. However, in relation to Planning Proposals and other planning related matters, they are reported to the LPP and the LPP makes a recommendation to Council with regard to the merit of the Proposal and then the Council makes the determination. In other words, the LPP cannot determine a Planning Proposal.

Members of the LPP are subject to a Code of Conduct, lodgement of an annual pecuniary interests declaration and Operational Procedures which have been established by Government. 

A number of procedural processes have to be undertaken with the Department of Planning Industry and Environment before a LPP is formally put in place for Council. Therefore, it is proposed to establish an Interim Advisory Planning Assessment Panel to consider planning related matters prior to a resolution of Council being made. 

The first meeting of the Interim Advisory Planning Assessment Panel for Wingecarribee Shire Council has been set for 7 April 2021. This will enable the Panel’s recommendations to be put to and determined by the Interim Administrator for the April Ordinary Meeting of Council. Panel meetings will then be scheduled monthly to occur the week prior to the Ordinary Meeting of Council. The Interim Advisory Planning Assessment Panel will consist of a Chair, Alternate Chair, 4 independent experts and 2 community representatives. Each meeting will proceed with 4 members. The arrangements in place for the Interim Advisory Planning Assessment Panel will continue until the Wingecarribee Shire Council LPP is ratified through DPIE.

To view the report to Council and Council Resolution, please click on the below links;

12.1 Establishment of a Local Planning Panel - Report(PDF, 194KB)

Ordinary Meeting of Council - 24 March 2021 


Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel members

(Correct as at 1 July 2024)

Chairs/ Alternate Chairs (A)
Expert Panel Members
Community Members
Steven Layman  Sheridan Burke Scott Barwick Richard Colley
Ian Reynolds (A)  Judith Clark Larissa Ozog Chris McCann
Louise Byrne (A)  Linda Gosling Linda Kelly
Dennis McManus
 Michael Ryan Heather Warton Anthony Neill
   Chris Young  Michael Mantei  Robert Staas
   Graham Brown  Stephen Leathley  Julian Siu
   Nick Brunton  Mark Carlon  
   Stephen Davis  Sue Francis  
   Stephen McMahon  John McFadden  

Meeting dates 2025

The Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel meetings are generally held on the fourth Wednesday of each month from 2 pm in the Council Chambers. These meetings will be livestreamed from the Council website.

2025 Local Planning Panel meeting dates

  • 19 December 2024 - Extraordinary Meeting
  • 22 January 2025
  • 26 February 2025
  • 26 March 2025
  • 23 April 2025
  • 28 May 2025
  • 25 June 2025
  • 23 July 2025
  • 27 August 2025
  • 24 September 2025
  • 22 October 2025
  • 26 November 2025




Documents and links

Request to Address Planning Panel(PDF, 247KB)

Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel Operational Guidelines(PDF, 621KB)

Local Planning Panels Code of Conduct

Local Planning Panel Operational Procedure

Local Environment Plan

Development Control Plans

DA Tracker

Local Planning Panels Statutory Rules

Council Report and Resolution (of Meeting 24 March 2021)

Interim Administrator Minutes 17 March 2021

Local Planning Panel direction development applications and applications to modify development consents(PDF, 494KB)

Southern Region Planning Panel

The Southern Regional Planning Panel provides independent, merit-based decision making on regionally significant development. Applications for regionally significant development are notified and assessed by Council and then determined by the relevant regional panel.

Regional panels: 

  • Determine regionally significant development applications (DAs), certain other DAs and s4.55(2) and s4.56 modification applications.
  • Act as the Planning Proposal Authority (PPA) when directed.
  • Undertake rezoning reviews.
  • Provide advice on other planning and development matters when requested.
  • Determine site compatibility certificates under the State Environmental Planning Policy (Housing for Seniors or People with a Disability) 2004.
Current and past matters

The Southern Region Planning Panel attends to requests affecting Wingecarribee Shire Council.

You can view upcoming and previously determined matters on the NSW Planning Portal website.

Panel members

Each regional panel is comprised of five members. Council's current Southern Regional Planning Panel members (and alternate members) appointed by the Minister are Steven Layman with alternate members Stephen Leathley and Michael Mantei.

Further information can be found on the NSW Planning Portal website.