Berrima Road Deviation

  • Project typeRoad and bridge construction
Berrima Road Deviation

Preliminary designs for the Berrima Road Deviation Project were placed on public exhibition in 2017 and construction commenced in January 2018.

The aim of the project is to divert Berrima Road from the existing level crossing near the Boral Cement Works to a bridge over the train line further east.

The existing T-junction intersection at Berrima Road and Taylor Avenue and the bend on the approach to the crossing from Moss Vale would also be removed from the route - replaced with a B-triple truck capacity roundabout.

Work halted following project delivery and funding challenges. Council resolved on 10 April 2019:

THAT Council undertake the necessary works to make the project “shovel ready” for future grant applications. This will include finalising the relocation of existing services, property acquisitions and topsoil and seed the constructed road embankment with an estimated total cost $4.4M for the revised project scope.

That Council advise the Department of Infrastructure, Regional Development and Cities that due to a significant number of issues Council will not be able to complete the approved works by the 31 March 2020 deadline and will therefore have to let the funding agreement lapse.

In addition to the high voltage (HV) relocation, Council is continuing to progress the onsite utility and water main adjustments to achieve a ‘shovel ready’ project.

Council has been continuing to negotiate with the two relevant property owners and has completed one property acquisition. Council has proactively been working with the remaining property owner to finalise the land swap and to obtain a construction licence (early private property access for construction activities/relocate other existing services). 
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Contact details

Project Delivery team
02 4868 0888


Berrima Road,  2577  View Map

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