Commercial Waste Collection Services

garbage collection

Council provides a range of waste services to commercial and industrial businesses, in particular recycling, aimed at minimising waste to landfill.

Recycling not only helps the environment; it will help your business save money on disposal costs.

Commercial waste services available

Our available commercial waste collection types are listed below:

Request a commercial waste service

To request a commercial waste service, please complete the following agreement;

Change your current waste service

To change your current service, please complete the following form; 

Replace a lost or stolen bin

For a replacement bin to be issued, please complete the following form;

Free Bin Trim waste assessments

New South Wales businesses have access to free help and support to maximise recycling and minimise waste ending up in landfill through the Bin Trim Program.

The Canberra Region Joint Organisation (CRJO) is currently offering local businesses in Wingecarribee Shire Council a free waste audit, waste report, and review, to facilitate the diversion of waste from landfill to assist businesses in reducing waste costs and reaching their sustainability goals.

In addition to a tailor made Bin Trim Action Plan, your business may be eligible for a rebate of between $1,000 and $50,000 to help with the purchase price of recycling equipment. 

New South Wales businesses send more than 1.8 million tonnes of business waste to landfill each year. Roughly 70 per cent of the materials in a business’ general waste bin can be reused or recycled. From cardboard, paper, metal, and plastic through to food waste, so much of this ends up in the general waste bin when it could be avoided, reused, or recycled.

Why join the Bin Trim program?

1. Increasing recycling of business waste can reduce waste costs

2. Company operations are streamlined

3. Company reputation is enhanced amongst clients

4. Staff feel good about this activity

95 per cent of businesses that have taken part in the program have diverted waste from landfill to improve productivity and save operational costs. 

How does it work?
  • A specialist waste materials assessor will visit the company and carry out a waste audit
  • The results of this audit are used to prepare a report for the company with recommended actions to assist the business in its waste management process
  • A specialist CRJO assessor will assist the business in implementing these actions, however there are not obliged to change any current practices 
  • Following the initial report the assessor will undertake a second review and report for the business 

Bin Trim is run by the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) as part of the Waste Less, Recycle more initiative.

Read more about the EPA's Bin Trim Program.

You can contact the CRJO by phone on 0417-795-444 or send an email to

2025 Commercial Waste Collection Calendar

Services may be provided on a multi-weekly, weekly, fortnightly or four-weekly basis.

For existing customers the schedule of collections is listed on your invoice. 

If you are unsure of your collection day or week, please contact;

Telephone: 02 4868 0888


Waste education

More information on waste education: