Council has committed to constructing a new Sewage Treatment Plant (STP) to serve the community in Moss Vale. Whilst this is ongoing, the existing Moss Vale STP plant is being ran at its maximum capacity to try to meet the licence conditions. With this summers seasonal weather already being notably warmer and drier than recent years, the capacity of the process at the plant is proving particularly challenged in this current environment.
This has resulted in a licence breach in December 2024 downstream of the plant in relation to discharged ammonia and resultant decreased dissolved oxygen (DO) levels in Whites Creek.
In simple terms, the treatment plant is a biological process and requires oxygen to function. As the workload increases, the biomass requires more oxygen to succeed. The design of the plant means there is a limit to the amount of oxygen that can be supplied. This has been insufficient compared to the increased loading. The result has been that the biomass has been unable to meet the workload, resulting in the breach of licence.
Councils team has been working hard to react to the conditions that have emerged and has been open in its consultation and communication with both our Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water (DCCEEW) regulators in searching for an interim solution ahead of the new larger plant being completed.
In response to the breach in licence episode across December 2024 and the first week of January 2025, the EPA have issued Council a Clean Up Notice which includes the directive to create this webpage to provide information about the incident, including up to date environmental monitoring data, to inform the community.