Koala habitat restoration grants are available for Wingecarribee property owners to improve or create koala habitat on their land.
The Wingecarribee Shire is home to 10 per cent of the NSW Koala population and the Southern Highlands Koala Conservation Project has been working with the community to help protect our region's koalas since 2014.
Come along to one of our information sessions to find out about what options may be available to you.
This community event includes an information session and a spotlight search for koalas in the canopies of Kangaloon.
There is an alternative Koala Habitat Community Grants Information Session at Canyonleigh on 23 February 2023 from 6 pm to 8 pm.
Kangaloon Hall, 1536 Kangaloon Road, Kangaloon, 2576, View Map
1536 Kangaloon Road , Kangaloon 2576