Learning how to live without single-use plastic means changing behaviours and habits, which can sometimes be difficult. There are lots of resources available to help you avoid or reduce the use of plastics in your life.
We are fortunate to have some inspiring residents who are achieving great things when it comes to reducing their reliance on plastic.
Read Claire's story, "My zero waste journey in the Southern Highlands(PDF, 105KB)" and discover how she overcame some of the challenges of reducing plastic in her life.
Council has purchased a number of plastic free themed books that you can borrow from our libraries.
There are so many resources out there on how to reduce our dependence on plastics, both single use and other types of plastics. The Plastic Free July team have done a great job in collating many of these resources under one website. So, visit Plastic Free July to discover how you can go beyond the month of July and live a life free of plastics.