Boronia Park, Hill Top

Boronia Park Stanley Street Hill Top

Sports fields, changing rooms, canteen, picnic area, children's play area, toilet facilities, tennis courts (2 in total). 


Soccer (2 x grounds), cricket (1 x synthetic) & tennis. 



Bushfire Danger Rating Status

This facility may be closed depending on the current bushfire danger rating from the Rural Fire Service for the Illawarra/Shoalhaven district. Please refer to the RFS website for the current fire danger rating.

Please note that the rating below overrides any general facility opening status shown due to wet weather etc.

Moderate rating: Open, High/Extreme rating: Caution, Catastrophic rating: Closed

Sport Field Status
All Hirers must conduct a pre and post-use inspection of the Facility, sporting ovals and surrounds, equipment and permanent structures. If the playing field is on caution or closed then this includes the surrounds and the users need to make the decision if the surrounds are suitable to be used for their event.


44 Stanley Street, Hill Top 2575  View Map

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