Tenders & Expressions of Interest

Wingecarribee Shire Council aims to achieve best value for residents and rate payers when procuring goods and services. This is achieved through transparent practices that promote competition, innovation, local purchasing and sustainable longer term outcomes. 

The tendering process is conducted in accordance with the Local Government Act, 1993 and Local Government (General) Regulations, 2005.

Tenderers and Contractors must comply with the following:

NSW Government Code of Practice for Procurement

Code of Conduct

Statement of Business Ethics

Conditions of Responding - Council Tenders

Conditions of Responding - Council Quotations

Conditions of Responding - Council Expressions of Interest

Local Supplier Workshop Presentation

On the 28 November 2024, Council held a local supplier procurement workshop, which was presented by our Chief Financial Officer, Pav Kuzmanovski. The presentation can be accessed by clicking here(PDF, 865KB) or on the below document image.

Font cover of the Local Supplier Workshop Presentation 2024(PDF, 865KB)

Public Tenders and Quotations

The following Public Tenders and Quotations are current. Documents may be downloaded from the Buy NSW website: 

To find a Tender or Quotation on the Buy NSW website, enter the title of Request for Tender/Quotation (RFT/RFQ) in the "Search for an opportunity" field. Alternatively, click on the corresponding links below to go directly to each Tender or Quotation.

View closed tenders and EOIs

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