New Residents

Welcome to the Wingecarribee Shire! 

This page is a new residents kit - with information and links for new arrivals to the Wingecarribee Shire. Find out about your new community and the services offered by Wingecarribee Shire Council.


Update your voting details


You can update your voting details on the Australian Electoral Commission site.

Update your enrolment details

Contact Council


You can contact Council online, via email, by phone or in person.

If you have an issue to report you might like to download and use the SNAP SEND SOLVE app.

Snap Send Solve App image

After hours emergencies

Council operates an after hours service for emergency situations including water supply issues, burst water mains, fallen trees, and sewer issues.

Please contact us on 02 4868 0888 to be put through to our after hours service.  

Come and see us

Our Civic Centre is open Monday to Friday between 8:30 am and 4:30 pm and is located at:

Civic Centre
68 Elizabeth Street
Moss Vale NSW 2577  

Call or email us

Call us on 02 4868 0888 or email us at

Send us a letter

Please send all correspondence to:

Wingecarribee Shire Council
PO Box 141
Moss Vale NSW 2577

Find more information on our Contact us page.


Report an issue


If you have an issue you need to report to Council you can use Council's Customer Request System which allows you to submit your requests online at any time, from anywhere. 

Once you have submitted your request, you will receive a request number to track your enquiry. 

Your request will be reviewed and attended to during our normal operational hours which are 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday.

If your request requires urgent attention, please contact us on 02 4868 0888.

There are a range of ways to get in touch with Council, please select the way most convenient to you:

  • Online via our Customer request system
  • By phone 
  • In writing via email or letter
  • Come and see us

To find more information about the type of issues you can report to Council and those that are not supported by Council, visit our Report an Issue page.

Update your postal address


It is important to advise Council when you change your postal address for notification of rates and other notices. 

A change of address notification can only be submitted by the registered property owner or authorised person on behalf of the registered property owner (provided authorisation has been given to Council in writing).

You can complete the change of address notification here.

Council news and updates


Take part with Participate Wingecarribee


Participate Wingecarribee is a place for you to join in, share your thoughts and help shape key projects and services in our Shire.

The site is regularly updated with opportunities for you to participate on issues that affect you and join in with your local villages and towns.

Register your details and you'll be the first to hear about the latest opportunities to take part in Council's decision-making processes.

Register for Participate Wingecarribee


Subscribe to our weekly Your Shire eNewsletter

Newsletter Sign-up image or New residents page

You can subscribe to our weekly eNewsletter - Your Shire, to receive updates about events, community news, projects and roadworks. 

Subscribe to Your Shire eNewsletter

You can also sign-up for other newsletters about Environmental News, or our Libraries newsletters. 

Listen to our weekly Podcasts

Image of headphones and phone playing the Check-in with Council Podcast

Catch up on our latest Council news via our Check-in with Council Podcast.

Covering local and community news, projects updates, arts and culture, events and much more.

You can find the latest podcast on the website on our News page.


Our News Page


Visit our News page to keep up to date with our latest press releases, articles, and links to our Social Media platforms.

Wingecarribee Shire Council - News


Southern Highlands Escape Magazine 2024

Read the latest information about all things Southern Highlands in the Southern Highlands Escape 2024 Magazine. Published annually you can find information about where to stay, play, eat, drink and explore so you enjoy all there is on offer in our beautiful Shire.

You can also download a copy of the Southern Highlands Escape 2024(PDF, 19MB).


Council Meetings


We invite you to participate in Council proceedings as we work together to shape the future of our Shire.

Ordinary Meetings of Council are held on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 3:30pm in Council Chambers. All sessions are livestreamed.

Wingecarribee Local Planning Panel Meetings begin at 2pm.

You can view the Meeting Agendas here before the meeting and you’ll find the Meeting Minutes here following each meeting.  

Find out more on our Council Meetings pages.




The Wingecarribee Shire Council election took place on 14 September 2024.

Find information about your new Mayor and Councillors here.

Household information

Calculator and light globe on a wooden table


Pay my rates


Visit our Rates and Payments page for information about payment arrangements, financial hardship, concessions and exemptions. You'll also find information about methods of payment for Council rates, water and sewerage charges, sundry debtor, tax invoices, land re-categorisation and infringement notices.

Other useful information:

Guide to Council Rates

Find out about registering to receive eBilling

Register to view your Rates and Water & Sewer Notices online

Pensioner Rebate Application


What day are my bins collected?

Bin collection image for WSC waste collection

Find out details about our domestic kerbside rubbish collection service including your bin collection days, our 2023-24 waste collection calendar, bin collection conditions, how to replace lost, stolen or damaged bins, and how to change an existing garbage collection service or request a new one.

What days are my bins collected?

Find out details for your bin collection by your Street via the Wingecarribee Shire Council Waste Service Calendar 2024-25.(PDF, 1MB) 

Check your bin collection days

You can find out lots of useful information about disposing of and recycling household and other items on our A-Z Waste Guide.

Find more information on our  Bin Collection page. 

Other useful information:

Community Recycling Centre

Resource Recovery Centre


Water and Sewer Information

Shower head with running water

Wingecarribee Shire Council as the local water authority plays a vital role in the Southern Highlands region. Use the links below to find information about connecting your water or sewer service, managing your accounts, as well as information about on-site sewage management, standard drawings, integrated cycle water management, and more.

More Water and Sewer information

Other useful information:

Frequently Asked Water and Sewer questions

Manage your Water Account

Water filling stations

Manage your Water and Sewer Service

Water and Sewer Outages and Works

Water Restrictions

On-site Sewer Management



Where do I register my pet(s)?

Photo by Andrew S on Unsplash

All cats and dogs in NSW must be registered by 6 months of age. A one-off registration fee applies for the lifetime of the cat or dog, even if the owner changes. Owners are also encouraged to desex their animals and a reduced registration fee applies to desexed animal registrations.

Visit the NSW Pet Registry to add your pet to the registry, update ownership details, pay your pet's one-off registration fee, have your pets microchip verified, and update your pet's details if purchased from the pound or a shelter.

Change of address with NSW Pet Registry

If you have moved and need to update the registration details of your pet, you can email a completed Change of address form(PDF, 315KB) to Council or update the details through NSW Pet Registry

Find out about Microchipping your pet(s)

In NSW, the Companion Animals Act sets out the rules for pet ownership. This includes the requirement for all cats and dogs to be microchipped and registered. 

  • Your dog or cat must be microchipped by and registered by 6 months of age.
  • By 4 months your cat should be desexed. An annual permit is required for cats that are desexed after this age.
  • Additional fees also apply for dogs that are not desexed, restricted breeds and dogs that are declared dangerous.

Failure to microchip your pet may result in a penalty notice.

Find out more about Microchipping

You can find out more information about the fees involved in registering your pet(s) in Council's Fees and Charges.

Find more information about the requirements and regulations around keeping pets and other animals here.

Adopt a pet

Animals for Adoption Cattle Dog Cross Puppies - Everly, Emery and Eden

The Wingecarribee Animal Shelter is located at 177 Berrima Road Moss Vale on the corner of Bowman Road and inside Council's Resource Recovery Centre (RRC) complex.

Entry to the shelter is by appointment only and only for genuine enquiries about adopting cats or dogs.

All visitors including volunteers must report to the shelter office on arrival.

Animal surrenders are by appointment only.

Please contact the shelter team on 02 4868 1520 if you'd like to discuss the animal surrender process or arrange an appointment.

  • Monday to Friday: 10 am to 4 pm
  • Weekends: 10 am to 12 pm (noon)
  • Public holidays: closed

Animals available for adoption




Where can I find Emergency Information?


Emergencies such as bushfires, floods, storms, loss of utilities and risks to human and animal health can strike at any time in the Wingecarribee - sometimes without warning.

For any fire or life-threatening emergencies, or for urgent help from Police, Fire or Ambulance services, call 000 (Triple Zero).

Stay up to date about emergencies by visiting the Hazards Near Me app and road closures by visiting Live Traffic NSW.

You can find more emergency information and advice on how you can prepare on our Emergency Information page.

You can also find information on the Disaster Dashboards website and the NSW Rural Fire Service website.


Floods and Storms

Image of heavy rain and flood on a road

Find information about preparing your property in the event of a storm or a flood on our Floods and Storms page.


Fees and Charges


View a full list of Council's Fees and Charges for the current year and the previous year, as well as information about Water and Sewerage Access and Consumption Charges, and fee waivers for Bushfire Affected Properties.

Fees and Charges

Community information

Moss Vale Library.jpg   


What's On in Wingecarribee


Visit our Events page to find out what's happening in the Shire. From markets, music, food and art, to festivals and other events.

Find out What's On

Place Portal

Image of gates at Centennial Vineyard in Bowral

You can find our new online community Place Portal for Wingecarribee on the Participate Wingecarribee website.

This user-friendly platform will be a central place for residents to connect, discover, and participate in the vibrant life of our Shire.

You'll find detailed information about each village and town, including local attractions, events, and opportunities to get involved.

Let's build a stronger, more connected community together.

Click to view Place Portals


My Shire Community Directory

Highlands Fest

MyShire is your online community directory which provides information about the range of organisations, groups, clubs, events, and services within our Shire.

Directory listings on MyShire are provided directly by members of the local community. 

Want to list your community group or organisation? You can include detailed descriptions of what your organisation does and link to your website and social media platforms and populate your entry with details such as contact information, location and information regarding your organisation.

Sign up for your free MyShire account, or login if you already have one to manage your listings and events.

Email if you have any questions or need assistance.



Bowral Central Library Wi-Fi station

Wingecarribee Public Libraries work to support the information and recreation needs of our local community.

There are branches in three central locations at Bowral, Mittagong and Moss Vale, and a mobile library that travels nearly 10,000 km a year across the Shire, so whether you’re in Balmoral, Canyonleigh, Robertson or Wingello, or somewhere in between, there’s always access to your library.

There’s more to the story at Wingecarribee Public Libraries. Visit the library website, pop into a branch or call the library on 1300 266 235 to join and see what else we offer.

Wingecarribee Shire Website


Arts and Culture

Southern Highlands ARTSfile Logo

The Highlands is known for the strength and creativity of its artistic community. Practitioners of all levels, from national icons to enthusiastic amateurs, come to the area for the cool air, natural beauty and lifestyle which combine to provide an inspirational environment in which to create. 

The region supports a vibrant Arts/Culture ethos that is reflected in the wealth of events, performances, exhibitions and festivals that occur through every season, all year. As a dedicated Arts & Culture site for the Southern Highlands, ARTSfile is both a teaser for the spectacular creative offerings of the region, and a calendar of events for various cultural happenings during the year.

Find out what's on in Arts and Culture  

Swimming Pools

Bowral Swimming Pool view from deck

There are four Council swimming pools across the Wingecarribee Shire offering the community opportunities for fun, fitness, and recreation.

Bowral and Bundanoon pools are seasonal outdoor pools that are only open through the summer months. Moss Vale War Memorial Aquatic Centre is an indoor venue and is open all year. Pool facilities differ between venues and detailed information on what each pool has to offer can be found on the individual pool pages.

Admission costs for the 2024-2025 pool season can be found in the pool season brochure below.

2024-2025 Pool Season Brochure(PDF, 9MB)

Find out more information on our Swimming Pools page.

Find Local Playgroups


There are a range of Playgroups and Parent Groups active in the Southern Highlands.

Playgroup NSW

You can use the Playgroup NSW 'Find a Playgroup' tool to find your nearest group.

MyShire Community Directory

You can also find local listings for Playgroups on the MyShire Community Directory, Playgroups in Wingecarribee Shire, Clubs and Groups page.

Playgroups in the Wingecarribee Shire 

Wingecarribee Shire Council - Children's Services

Find information about local Children Services including Wingecarribee Out of Hours Care (WOOSH), Before and after School Care and Vacation Care.

Find out more

Hire a Hall or Venue


Across Wingecarribee Shire we offer a variety of halls and other venues for your community events or group gatherings, live performances or special occasions.

From charming village settings to contemporary spaces in the heart of town, choose a Council-run venue and book instantly via Bookable. Alternatively, lodge an online request for one of the many venues managed by volunteers after confirming the venue's availability.


Destination Southern Highlands

Destination Southern Highlands Wingecartribee Shire map

Whether you're new to the Shire or have visitors and want to find out what you can do and see locally, there's lots on offer on our Destination Southern Highlands website.


Traditional Custodians

Wingecarribee Shire Council acknowledges the Gundungurra and Dharawal people as the Traditional Custodians of this place we now call the Wingecarribee Shire.

We pay respect to Elders past and present and extend that respect to all First Nations people. 

Wingecarribee Shire Council recognises the continuous and deep connection to their Ngurra (Country) and that this is of great cultural significance to Aboriginal people, both locally and in the region.

For Gundungurra and Dharawal people, Ngurra (Country) means everything. It is physical, cultural and spiritual.

Council provides a number of initiatives to promote and celebrate Aboriginal culture within the Wingecarribee Shire.  

Find out more about our shires Traditional Custodians on our Aboriginal Community page.


Wingecarribee Local Map(PDF, 6MB)

Wingecarribee gazetted boundaries, localities and suburbs map - small