The master plans are high level plans designed to provide a coordinated approach to future development. Master Plans contain a series of illustrations and explanatory text to specify the planning principles and controls within a particular area as a whole. Their intent is to guide landowners, government and the community on how public areas and assets can be improved and where development should occur.
The Town Centre Master Plans for Mittagong and Moss Vale were adopted by Council in 2014.
Bowral Town Centre Master Plan
Bowral was the first Town Centre to undergo a place-based planning process. The Master Plan is a holistic plan that was developed in partnership with the community and provides a clear vision and strategic direction for the town centre that is reflective of the unique identity, function and rich character of Bowral.
The Bowral Town Centre Master Plan was adopted at the Ordinary Meeting of Council 17 July 2024. The livestream recording and the minutes from the meeting can be viewed on Council’s website, which is available here. In addition, the adopted Master Plan, Supporting Evidence Document and Engagement Outcomes Report can be accessed below.